Exterior basement waterproofing is a critical part of any permanent basement waterproofing process. It is used to stop water from seeping through your porous concrete foundation walls, and when done properly, can significantly increase the strength and longevity of your foundation.
You may be saying to yourself, “Wait, then what’s all that black coating that’s already on my foundation?” That black coating is know as “damp-proofing,” and is intended to prevent moisture from making its way into the home. Unfortunately as foundations age, settle, and crack, damp-proofing rapidly breaks down exposing your home to pests, moisture, and mold.
Real exterior basement waterproofing consists of a high durability industrial strength polymer coupled with thick layers of a waterproof mastic. For added protection against areas with high water saturation, perforated and stone-filtered drain tile should be installed to route excess water away from the foundation walls.
Simply put, if you’re dealing with a wet basement, and you’re only considering interior waterproofing solutions, you’re only fixing 50% of your problem.